Dawson: I hope you won't take this the wrong way, Kenneth, butyou are weird. Harvey: How long could you go without buying something new. [ Joe walks up to the main podium, but Beldar walks in too far ] Okay, Doctor.. we're gonna need a little more room, big fella.. [ guides him to his side of the podium ] There you go, stand behind this line.. Contestant: Oh right, that was close in the area. . Dawson: Name something that people take with them to the bath besides soap and a towel. ", "Pass or Play?" O'Hurley: Name a famous Betty.Contestant #1: Annette Betty.Contestant #2: Betty Washington. What are y'all clappin' for?! Karn: Name someone you would find in an operating room.Contestant: The operator. Harvey: (starts laughing) Just Just shut up! (sustained, hilarous laughter ensues, with shots of Combs fake-fainting)Combs: Well, let's see if it's up there! For Steve Harvey's first year of hosting, Joey Fatone opens the show by saying the name of the game show, his own name and location.). Let's move on to the NBC side. Harvey: If your stomach is that big, you do not see it anywhere. I'm (your man)Steve Harvey. Contestant: How 'bout your wife? Dawson: Name something made of leather--Contestant after buzzing in: A purse. "You got the cash/$5,000/$10,000!" [BUZZER!]. In the Continental U.S., call [[6]]. When I get to you, you'll get three seconds to answer it. Thank you very much, you made me feel right at home." Harvey: No, name something you fill. - said to the player before the start of the Fast Money round, "Turn around!" View full document. YOU SAID IT, AND THEN YOU SAID "DO I HAVE TO MAKE YOU SAY IT AGAIN?" 1. s03e05 - Family Feud Tran script. Alright, you can not say the same word. I think I'm prepared, soif you're ready, let's have the first item up for bids! Introducing (our returning champions,) the (insert family #1), ready for action! "Family"! [scored 23 points]. - said during Fast Money. It's (our returning champs,) (insert family #1), playing against the (insert family #2)!! - Richard Karn (2003-2004), "Come on back tomorrow, you don't want to miss it!" Hello/Welcome to (insert family #1)! (Right on Target!)" (Gets buzzed, his sister said it)Contestant: Gynecologist. - said after the first half of the Fast Money round, "We'll cover those answers, and we'll bring out (insert name)(who has been kept offstage)." O'Hurley: Besides pepporoni, name your favorite pizza topping.Contestant: Combination. Note: From 2011-13, Joey Fatone says his own name seen above for this introduction. My parents. - Gene Wood (1976-1985), "For tickets, just send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Tickets, CBS Television City, Family Feud, 7800 Beverly Blvd. We have got a marvelous show for ya, and I just want you to enjoy it! Uh (scores 4 points). ", 1992 Pilot (Second Half): The survey says, the number 3 answer is (insert answer). Then, the other family gets a chance to steal." - Ray Combs (upon a strong shout sometimes whenever an answer scored zero in Fast Money), "Didn't make our survey." Combs:[during Fast Money]Name a place you check in and out of. (with hisAl salute)- Richard Karn (2002-2003), "Come on back tomorrow, you don't want to miss it/this!" ", you win the (game and the)car." (insert two winning family members). Contestant: She hiding somewhere, or a weapon. Combs: Name a famous male country/western singer of all time. - When the losing team gets $500 in the form of the Green Dot Prepaid Card(used since the 2015-16 season), "(X) points is tough in the second position. - Richard Dawson on the first taped episode of his 1994 comeback. Girls working today. Dawson: There are some street names common to cities all over the U.S., name one. Harvey: Specifically, the kool-aid pitcher. A Penis, oh, we gonna keeping that answer. Playing against the Roderick Family: Brande, Debbie, Walter, Jason and Betty, on your marks! Dawson: A country that begins with the letter S. Dawson: Tell me how long is too long for a house guest to visit. Dawson: Somewhere you see Farrah Fawcett's face. ", and she changed my whole life with that statement. Family Feud is a game where players must guess the most popular survey answers. Dawson: Name something that has to warm up before you use it. - Burton Richardson (2009-10), "Want to be on Family Feud with Steve Harvey? Combs: Name a tradition associated with Christmas. You fill it up. N-E-K-K-I-D. (pointing at the board and imitating the sound of a answer been up there)Bing. Make those answers count!" Be in total control of your money with Green Dot." Here's the question." Wow! (shown on one episode of the Harvey era). What is the top answer to this (Family Feud) question: (insert question)? Audience: "Bad Haircut/Bald. Get online!" You need (insert how many points needed to get 200 points). - said coming out of the final commercial break since the show's incarnation in 1999 until 2010, "Your partner is off-stage with headphones on; he/shecannot see or hear your answers. Dawson: Name an animal with really good sight. Harvey: No, you didn't, on national TV, set us back 30 years. - Current version, "If you plan on being in Los Angeles, and would like to be a part of our studio audience, simply call these toll free numbers for tickets and information: In California, call [[5]]. Harvey: It explains, you know this explains, you have all the answers, but that we will be on the board. - Richard Dawson (to recap the scoring after every main-game), "We're Feuding (on CBS)!" [laughter]. She said, "Who makes a rainbow?". I'm sorry. Harvey: Yeah, Don't say it. Harvey: We have 4 answers up there but we only have one strike. (Somebody's playing for $10,000/$20,000.)" Introducing the (insert family #1 (and their names)), ready for action! This is the greatest show I've ever had! Combs: Name an excuse that a girl uses not to invite you in after a date. [BUZZ]. We've got two great families right here, and they're gonna battle it out for a chance to win a whole lotta cashy'all, and if you win it 5 times in a row, you're gonna be driving away in a brand new car." He was a producer in the beginning of the show, and he helped steer and guide the way that we went, and he and I fall a lot of times, but I tell you, that he is important, and I should acknowledge him, because he was the one, with me, that, we said, "Let anybody come on this show, anyone that could play this game, no matter what color or creed, no matter if they're in a wheelchair or they have no sight!". - Richard Dawson/Ray Combs (said when a contestant checks the answers in Fast Money), "(insert name) is offstage where he/she can't see your answers. Boy, we gotta be able to change those names sometimes, don't we. Heres the question, please listen carefully. - Richard Dawson (to both families during a Triple Roubd when time is running short), "I'm only going to read the question as few times as possible." - Gene Wood (1976-1993), "Thank you, Richard Dawson. O'Hurley: Name an actor fromBaywatchwho is still hot today.Contestant:Brad Pitt. Male Contestant: DICK! I've haven't heard this many laughs, since George Jessel passed away. If player 1 makes a correct first guess, they get control of the round. Steve Harvey: Well, I wouldn't bet on this team right here. Contestant: $1.75. ", 19761985; 19941995: Yeah. - Richard Karn (going to a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 2003-2006), "I need two people for Fast Money. Combs: You know, the #1 answer was "Barks". If I never do another thing, I've met the good, sweet people of the world. Use the sound effects app to play a right (ding) / wrong (buzz) sound effect. - Ray Combs when a family member hit it right on the nose during the Bullseye Round. You thought I was a loser, until you walked up here. "This is the Perry Family: Don, Yana, Doug, Heather and Ivan, ready for action! - Ray Combs. - John O'Hurley and Steve Harvey, "Welcome back to the (Family) Feud. ", (Same words but it got arranged in a different order. [Contestant's answer: "A duck."] ", Its time to play Family Feud! - said since 2003, 20032006: - Steve Harvey from the first episode from 2010, "You fell short/failed to get/win the big money last time." My aunt & uncle. That's the wrong show!" [BUZZ]. . Traditionally, Family Feud teams consist of five players, so teams of 4 to 6 are ideal. (insert contestant), look straight at me. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. ), "Is Number (insert number)(insert answer)?" Send a postcard to: Contestants, Family Feud, 6430 Sunset Blvd. If you said the Number One answer is (insert Bullseye Answer), you hit the Bullseye!" [buzzer]. YOU SAID IT, YOU DIDN'T ASK ME IF YOU COULD SAY THAT! Harvey:(mocking her) "We're goin' for the money, so that makes it alright! Combs: [during Fast Money] A city where people go for a quickie divorce. - Family Feud host (going into a second commercial break since 2003; although Richard Karn does funny jokes about the answers after the last round from 2003-2006), "(insert family with the leading score), you can still win the game if you take this question all the way out." Dawson: Give me a slang name for policeman. (audience laughing)They are so special and wonderful. Here's the star of Family Feud, RAY COMBS!!! Harvey: Name something that gets passed aroundContestant: A Joint. The host asks a question, and the player who buzzes in first tries to guess the number one response. We would take a moment to remember him as a great man, who made our show a dream come true. We got (insert celebrity team #1) playing for (insert charity of choice), and (insert celebrity team #2) playing for (insert charity of choice). - Richard Karn, John O'Hurley, and Steve Harvey, "For this survey, we're asking/we'll ask youfor the Top/Number One answer only. If you do, you're gonna hear this sound:(buzz-buzz) I'll say "Try again", and you give me another answer. My grandmother. - Ray Combs said after the first half of the Fast Money round, "(insert 1st name) got you (insert points gotten by 1st player). Contestant: You got to keep it full, Steve. High School Reunion Tournament, (insert team #2) playing for (insert charity)! 1. As you can see, I got my feudin' clothes on today, complete with pocket square. - John O'Hurley (2006-2010), "I'm Steve Harvey. You need to focus and concentrate to get the money. Then, advance to the next slide, where the question is displayed but not the answers. O'Hurley: Name something people do to warm off on a cold day.Contestant: Have a glass of lemonade. Combs:[during Fast Money]A fruit used in bread. This official Family Feud game pits two families against each other in a trivia competition based on survey responses from real people. "Please do not ask me to repeat the question, because I am only going to read it once." [laughter and applause from the audience]O'Hurley: You started off with romantic encounters in the elevatorContestant: You have no idea that this is--O'Hurley:Penicillin fromMexico, and now your advice to the fed-up husband from his wife is "go satisfy yourself". Now today, we have two families going to do battle for the chance at playing Fast Money, for a jackpot that could be worth more than $5,000! (From/All the way from (insert city and state,), (Returning for their (x) day, with (a total of)$XX,XXX,), you're still alive." "Hey, you can play Feud online anytime at www.uproar.com. Let's meetthe Del Campo Family: Jim, James, Ed, Steve and Robert, on your marks! Dawson: Name a time that most people get up. When we come back, we're gonna play Fast Money for $20,000. Read the first question (e.g., Name something you eat on Thanksgiving) and the first person to hit the buzzer has five seconds to answer what they think is the best answer. Harvey:[deadpan]They're black, okay. "(audience cheering) Thank you. Thanks a lot." Dawson: Name a question such as how old are you, that you might answer with a lie. You said "kickball"! Sometimes, a contestant reads the plug. They buried themselves carrying us, and I love them for that. Since its launching, the "Feud" has gone through many changes, from different emcees to cancellations, revivals, and the move to syndication. Besides, he hosted the very same show I'm hosting now! (Ill bewaiting for ya.) Harvey: Name a place people like to escape to.Contestant: A drunken state!Harvey:*looks up with a 'what the hell' expression*. Karn: Name a famous astronaut.Contestant: Neil Young. - Burton Richardson, "Closed Captioning sponsored (in part)by." - said by Burton Richardson before cuing the second commercial break. That's what we're going with. Steve Harvey: Well, you had me fooled! Call me! Dawson:[laughs along with audience]This man's flying airplanes for us. After seven failed attempts, Richard finally resumes.]. Whoever takes control of the question, and when I get to you, you ll have only three seconds to answer. I just got this job! - Richard Dawson (going into a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 1976-1985 and 1994-1995), "I need two players for $5,000/$10,000/Fast Money. I am going to read the question once/one time. You understand that don't you?". O'Hurley: One ofOprah Winfrey's favorite people.Contestant: Regis Kelly. Our opening question was: (insert question)? - Ray Combs, "BULLSEYE!!! Combs: Name something you put on before you go to bed. Karn: Name a famous Dennis.Contestant: Buddy Holly. Where do you see this first one? [buzzer]. Survey says! Combs: To name a dangerous, dangerous piece of playground equipment, you said "a tire." Playing against (the challengers,)the (insert family #2), on your marks! Well, it's a little late for that. - Gene Wood (1988-1995) (Usually before the Second Face-Off) (Ray Combs/Richard Dawson would sometimes let the winning family member read the plug before Fast Money is played). Decide who will go first each round In the normal game, one player from each team approaches the podium. "Some (of the) departing contestants/families will receive (insert prizes)." Sweet Eddie, I thank you. "It's time for the Family Feud! Harvey: Name something a doctor might pull out of a person. - Ray Combs (whether or not there's one answer left to be revealed), "Not there!" Let's. Try to find the most popular answer. [buzzer] Oh, uh pass. (laughter) We surveyed 100 people. It all starts now,with your host AL ROKER!!! ", Host Introduction #1: "With/Here's the star of Family Feud, RICHARD DAWSON/RAY COMBS!!! This is one of our four different day time shows at I host. If you've just tuned in, we welcome you to the premiere episode of our evening version. Contestant: The bottom part. How to Play Family Feud. (Upon the Champion's 5th and final game for the car), (not only your family wins the game,)your family wins the car." (Upon the Champion's 5th and final game for the car), your family steals, your family wins the game/$XXX,XXX. Groups and organizations are most welcome." (audience cheering continues) Don't make me cry. ", 1987 Pilot: "Someone/Somebody's gonna play for $5,000/$10,000. ", "To steal the points/For the win/a new car/Sudden Death, (insert answer)! ", Celebrity Family Feud (2008, other episodes): "Tonight on Celebrity Family Feud, it's(insert montage)(insert celebrity team #1)! GENE: Because they love you, Richard. Contestant: Orange. [time's up buzzer] Oh, to hell with that! (And from (insert city and state),)Theyreplaying against/It's the (insert family #2)!" O'Hurley: Name a type of business that never seems to be open when you need it.Contestant: 7-11. - Ray Combs on a Fast Money loss. Good night." ", "It's time for Family Feuds (insert name of tournament)/aspecial (name of edition) edition of Family Feud!". Playing against the (insert family #2 (and their names)), on your marks! You will hear it. $10,000 in cash for the relatives!" I'll ask you 5 questions in 20 seconds. What are you doing at your house? ([. Thank you. 2. - Richard Dawson (when the answer made the survey), "(No,) They didn't/did not!" Combs:[during Fast Money]A word used to describe a plane flight. Let's try to hit the Bullseye answers for more than $25,000! . A text-based Family Feud game build on a client-server architecture. You got a pillow, a doll, mirror, using a hand, that stuff animal is waiting, you put all your damn thing. - said when a Fast Money win is virtually impossible, "We needed at least two people to give that answer; they didn't." I just got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord's hair!" All right. Its (the champs,) (it's) the (insert family #1)! O'Hurley: A late-night TV personality you fall asleep listening to.Contestant #1: Jim O'Reilly.Contestant #2:Oprah Winfrey?O'Hurley:I didn't think she was a late-night person, but if you insist! - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round from 2000-2002), "Round four. [BUZZ]. (thats in) Hollywood, Calif. (thats) 90028! Combs: Describe the weather with a word or phrase that could also describe your wife. Harvey: You think because youre pronouncing the word "naked nekkid, that means it's different? You got no points." (Our)Survey said/says!" Harvey: One of them is cry everything. What you ain't gonna do is drag me into your little nasty world! Harvey: Two of these people are teachers in the family! Syndicated 19921993:"(Welcome to the New Family Feud!) I said, "God.". Harvey: Name a city people win vacations to. "If you and your family want to be contestants on Family Feud, and you live in or planning to visit Southern California, call us at "We're looking for fun families to be on Family Feud and possibly win $30,000 and a new car! Our returning champions, you might know them, are called the Kakadelas Family." But it has proven itself to be very resilient and in due course, has developed loyal followers. - Richard Dawson, "(Yes,) They did!" And from "How I Met Dat Mama" Miss Alyson Hannagan! HOO! ONE TALL STAND IS POSITIONED IN THE CENTER OF THE STAGE. O'Hurley: Name the fastest-selling drug.Contestant:Marijuana. Harvey: Thank you. O'Hurley: Name a famous giant.Contestant #1: The Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum Giant.Contestant #2:Arnold Schwarzenegger. ", you steal. I Know! And/Playing against(insert team #2) playing for (insert charity)! Tim, give me your hand." You know, our ratings weren't that good, and they were so great. Playing against the Campbell Family: Dre, Ava, E-Bay, Estelle and Sharee, on your marks! (I hope you had fun!) - (said when a host forces a contestant to give them an answer quickly or they will get a strike), "(insert number) answer(s) better/will/can beat it. - John O'Hurley (at the start of a Face-Off), "You know the way the game is played" - John O'Hurley carrying that phrase with him from his previous game show To Tell The Truth in 2000, "Shake hands and come out thinking!" If you live in or planning to visit Southern California,call this number." And we go to Sudden Death. Harvey: Yes, one strike, we can not have two strikes. - Louie Anderson (going into a first commercial break from 1999-2002; although he makes funny jokes about the answers after the last round), "When we come back, I'm/we're gonna Triple the points." "Welcome to the newone-hourFamily Feud Challenge! Despite Steve's reaction, it's on the board. Another one, and, Fitzgeralds, get ready to steal. We'll settle this Feud right after this. (insert two winning family members). We surveyed 100 people; top (insert number) answers areon the board. . We wont forget you. - Ray Combs (commemorating creator Mark Goodsons death in 1992), Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to remember a former host of Family Feud, Ray Combs. Otherwise, player 2 gets control of the round. Come here, give the animal right here. Now, shh, shh, shh! - Gene Wood (1988-1993). Contestant: I bet you said nekkid in one of your comedy routines. If you can't think of something, say "pass", and we'll come back to it if there's time left." Harvey:We'll be right back! Thank you, thank you! In the game, participants guess popular answers to a survey question. Mark created several game shows, including The Price is Right, Match Game, and of course, Family Feud. Harvey: You don't want nobody to sit on it. Harvey: What?! Dawson[after a brief pause]: Make a note of this show. - Sudden Death rules, "Who'll/Who will play? "- Ray Combs from The New Family Feud 1992-1994, "Thank you. I DIDN'TMAKEYOU SAY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Just look at me." The Bullseye Game means that one of these families could win up to $20,000. [This answer was given on two different occasions.]. That's me! Harvey: Instead of a casket, name something a person might choose to be buried in Harvey: (starts laughing) In a---In a-- Let's see here. - Ray Combs, "You need 1XX points. Karn: Name something that starts with the word "club".Contestant: Golf club. Welcome to Family Feud. - Ray Combs about the Bullseye Round, "We'll get started right now, with the Bullseye round, and we'll put $15,000 in their banks. Let's start the FAMILY FEUD! Something kids fill with water. - John O'Hurley from the first episode from 2006, "Thank you,thank you, everybody. To win, you must guess answers on the board and the player with the most points after three rounds goes into the Fast Money round! The first family to reach 500 points takes home the Jackpot, plus a trip to the Family Circle Cup Tennis Tournament in Charleston, South Carolina this April." I'm Ray Combs, the new host of the show. Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! Family Feud is a classic television game show that premiered in 1976 and continues airing today. You're about to see these two families battle it out, for $20,000 in cash,cause it's time to play the FAMILY FEUD!!!! Oh ho! Find your station, watch outrageous clips and even get YOUR family on the Feud! [BUZZ]. With the star of our show, AL ROKER! That. We're gonna play the game, and the champs are right here, the Murphys. Dawson: During what months of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant? Dawson: Very good. - Host (Talking to the Judges about the same answer), "The Judges are saying '(I/We need to)(Be)More specific.'." How Family Feud is Played Have the team captain from each team come to the front of the room where the buzzer is. O'Hurley: Name a famous Carey (or Cary/Carrie).Contestant:John Kerry. Harvey: Little late for that. - demo of the Fast Money round mostly said by Richard Karn, "Now, if you put together 200 points, you will win-" - Richard Karn, "Clear the board, and let's bring out (insert name)!" - Richard Dawson from his 1995 "America's Finest" week season finale. "Hey! OnFamily Feud, we have two typical American families, they come out, battle it out for glory, honor, the joy of winning, and a whole lotta spending money. Van Waylon we've got the number two answer up there,I'm pretty sure it's Van Waylon. There's a lot of money at stake, so let's get started by playing our brand new Bullseye game." - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round when the controlling family decides whether they will Pass or Play from 1999-2000), "One strike onlyfor this question." - Louie Anderson (at the start of the Triple Round from 2001-2002), "But, I'm only going to read the question once, so everybody pay attention/listen (closely/carefully). - Richard Dawson on the first episode of the ABC daytime version in 1976, "Thank you, alright! Let's start the (NEW) FAMILY FEUD!!!! You said "ding-a-ling", any damn thing. [long, awkward pause]It's up there! It's Celebrity Family Feud! I'm gonna ask you the same 5 questions, you cannot duplicate the answers. Now, here's the star/host of our show, LOUIE ANDERSON!!! Just drop them in the ground. Who's going first? - Ray Combs (on a Returning Champion failed to win Fast Money on the last show), "Let's play the Bullseye Game!" We're starting our brand-new season of Family Feud, and to help us celebrate, we're gonna introduce an exciting new game. (scored 3 points). (NOTE: Remember that the slides with the answers display them in order from 1 to 5. (We'll)See ya/you (here)on the (Family) Feud. It doesn't matter I'm a pastor's wife, a ticket to Hell is worth $20,000! family feud sounds at triggered events (sounds are subject to copyright and will be changed later) timers for fast money 1 and 2 game window screen can go back in history Changeable team names Hostable/Joinable Rooms with generated room codes Localization support English Espaol Indonesian Start I Know! Contestant: Well, Richard uh, I mean Ray Combs: You can call me Richard. Go to familyfeud.tv or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out how!" HOO! Thank you for the ovation, and thank you for joining us at home. Harvey: Well, welcome toFamily Feudeverybody. - Ray Combs on the Tran family only getting 77 points for $385 in Fast Money and left the stage after signing off in the 1994 series finale. Welcome Campbell family, welcome Del Campos. "Introducing (all the way from (city, state),) the (insert family #1)(, ready for action (first and half of second season only))! I that was very touching. I'm not going to repeatit again." - Ray Combs (on the first Face-Off question from 1988-1992), "For this question only, we surveyed/asked 100 Men/Women. (applause) Thank you, please. Contestant: One another's husbands. Thank you. (Play at home!)" - Louie Anderson, "If it's there, you guys have stolen the points and taken first blood; if not, the (insert family name) keeps those points for themselves!" Thank you! The small animal will be on the bed. That's very touching, but I'm double parked now, and so, we have to get on with this. There were people upset, that I would embrace or hug someone of a different color. Harvey: "Freddy Kr- who the hell are youmarriedto?!". Thank you so much, and welcome to Family Feud. (smacks lips) The first time I ever saw people of any color, was when D-Day left from my hometown in England, to go and free Europe from the war. I got time, seems like. It's our last show, and I have to tell you, that whoever wins this and they play, normally they'll come back, they won't. Every one of them is playing right now in that little TV that you can watch while you're pumping your gas. Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! - Richard Dawson (1976-1985; 1994-1995), "For the (Family) Feud, I'm Ray Combs saying thank you for watching. On the one-hour edition of the NEW FAMILY FEUD CHALLENGE!!!! - Ray Combs (at the start of the second and subsequent Face-Off), "Welcome back to (the) Family Feud. third strike, then the (insert family name) will get a chance to steal (and win the game/remain the champs/play Sudden Death)! Im sorry! - Said ifthe contestant buzzed in before Steve asked the question, "Welcome back to (the) ((Celebrity) Family) Feud(, everybody)! Besides medicine, tell me something else you can buy at most drugstores. It's/Introducing (insert team #1) playing for (insert charity)! Hollywood, CA. FAMILY FEUD INT. Harvey: Name something Steve's wife doesn't want anyone else to do to his head. The bl-, the Black Zombies! O'Hurley: Name the one thing people know aboutRosie O'Donnell.Contestant: I'll say that she was the wife on the TV showRoseanne. Harvey: We asked 100 men, tell me the perfect height for a woman. Alright, today we got great actors versus great directors. Harvey: Fill in the blank, pie in the what. Combs: Name a famous game show host who would make a great talk show host. Whoever gets this Top/(Number) Oneanswer wins/will win the game." What is found in nearly every refrigerator? You and your family could win a lot of cash and a brand new car! ", "300 is the magic number! Here are the rules of the game: First, we will assume that player 1 always gets the right to try to make the first guess. - Ray Combs (1988-1994), "(I love this game!) - Steve Harvey (commemorating former host Feud Louie Anderson in 2022), "We'll be right here, right on the Family Feud. (Before the Fast Money round starts). Over this year, we've lost a beloved member of Family Feud, Louie Anderson. Thank you, please. If I been in the mirror, down the little girl down there, paper doll came down there. I haven't been this excited, since I got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord's hair! If you can get 100 points in the Fast Money round, you will earn 500 bonus points. Anderson: Name something teenage boys can do for hours at a time. Introducing the Madvig Family: Alan, Carolyn, Ida, Carol and Alan, on your marks! If you said the number 1 answer is (insert answer) [off-screen arrow/dart hits the Bullseye], you('ve) hit the Bullseye (on The New Family Feud)! - Ray Combs during the Fast Money Round, "ZEROOOOOOO!" Let's startthe championship match on the new FAMILY FEUD CHALLENGE!!!! If you can't think of an answer, say "pass", then I'll get back to it if there's time. This isnot good. Cool! It could happen." Welcome to Family Feud. First team/family to (reach) 400 points/dollars wins the Tournament worth (insert amount)!" Karn: Name a famous Jamie.Contestant 1: Jamie Fonda.Contestant 2: Judge Jamie Brown.Contestant 3: Jamie Star.