The Nagaland Peace Council (NPC) was re-formed at the initiative of the Church leaders. Though the peace mission was dissolved when Rev. This was followed by peace overtures. of Christianity unfolded in our land. (To-day, hear His voice). It was during this time that Supongmeren of head-hunting, famine and plague and that they will be alleviated of all First Naga lady to passed Bachelor of Divinity (B.D): First Naga recipients of Padma Shri Award: First recipient of KING SCOUT from Nagaland: First Naga (and only Indian) to be awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM): First Naga or Naga Woman to conquer Mount Everest: First Naga Woman (or second Naga) Olympian: First Naga to captain a football team (India): Independent Indias First Football Captain: The First Naga sportsman to represent India at the Asian Games for Sepak Takraw : First Naga cricketer to score a century in first-class cricket: First footballer from Nagaland to be signed by an Indian Super League (ISL) club: First Naga to join an European football club: First athlete from Nagaland in the discipline of bodybuilding and physique sports to represent India: Moalong Yaden (2021). All the four. During these years, the Nagaland Peace Council which had maintained a low profile was activated once again, as the volatile socio-political crisis and conflicts required regular intervention of the Council. Today, more than 95% of Naga people identify as Christians, mostly Baptist. Nagaland Post First & Foremost Nagaland English Newspaper Friday, September 2, 2022. Supongmeren lived with Godhula and his wife Lucy from Christianity first came to Nagaland in 1872 and the missionaries were successful in converting 95% of the Nagas to Christianity. Rev. Get The Latest Nagaland News Today, News on Nagaland Politics, Nagaland Sports, Educations, Business, News on Northeast India Nagas. The influence of peace and love In the last days of the British Raj, he held talks trying to achieve a sovereign Naga nation. On 8 August 1972, the Chief Minister Hokishe Sema was ambushed by suspected Naga members near Kohima. passionate zeal that touched the natives was Temolung Meyipang, Temolung This series which is used in lieu of Moral Science has already been revised. The Angami, Neisier by name told the audience that Nagas would not join the proposed Council of Churches (perhaps in North East India?). The first round was held on 1819 February in New Delhi and the Naga delegation was led by Kughato Sukhai, their Prime Minister. This changed in the 19th century, when the Burmese Empire launched several invasions of Assam between 1817 and 1826, which led the Nagas to briefly fall under Burmese rule. The Women Department organized Statewide peace processions on the 29th of February 1996, which received a massive response. After talks with the NSCN (IM), the Government of India heeded the wishes of the people and on 25 July 1997, the Prime Minister, I. K. Gujral, in a statement in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, announced a ceasefire with effect from 1 August 1997 for a period of three months. Sangtam Baptist Association 13. In its initial years, the British East India Company prohibited evangelising amongst the colonies. wife Lucy, went to Molungkimong to live and further evangelize the Ao natives. This was closely followed by a series of five talks between the Naga representatives and the Government represented by the two advisers to the Governor, Z. Zopianga, and Ramunny. The first legislative assembly was formed on February 11, 1964. The Council is also working towards restructuring the Baptist Churches to enable the Churches to make a greater impact. About 95 percent of Nagaland's 1.21 million people are Christian, most of whom are Baptists, thanks to the work of Baptist missionaries that have been in Nagaland since the late 19th century. However, according to the UNPO, in 2009 the NSCN considered the biggest impediment to peace to be the refusal of the government of India to officially extend the ceasefire to all Naga-inhabited areas outside of Nagaland. Thungjamo Lotha was appointed as the first full-time Youth Secretary in 1981. These discussions finally resulted in the Shillong Accord signed on 11 November 1975, by the Governor of Nagaland L.P Singh representing the Government of India and the NNC leadership represented by Assa and Kevi Yalley. Nagaland is almost entirely inhabited by the Naga tribes except some Kukis, Kacharis, Garos, Mikris, Benglalees, and Assamese etc. These Chaplains are now known as Pastors and several of these Naga Christian Fellowships are self supporting Churches. Dickson also took a special interest in winning the Smis to Christ, and he visited some Smi villages bordering the Angami area. Lotha Baptist Association 9. no security there. under the vigilant eyes of the warriors. village, persistently invited Godhula and Clark to their village to teach them Counting from 1937, therefore, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council celebrates the completion of seventy five years in 2012. Missionaries and ministers came to India in the 19th century, found their way into Nagaland, and converted almost all Nagas to Christianity. Thus the first Church in Naga soil was established. At the Dimapur Annual Session of 1967, the Nagaland Baptist Womens Union was also officially represented for the first time by its officers J. Savino (President) and L. Noksangchila Ao (Secretary). Reverend C-D King and Rev. expedition for Clark, more so it was beyond the British flag, and a very risky There was even some discussion about changing it to a more appropriate name, but the Council meeting at Kohima from 23rd to 31st March, 1958 affirmed, the name of the Council should remain as it is (NBCC Action No.8), except for the slight change of Naga to Nagaland at a later stage. In 2009 Rev. December 16 through the RongsensLenmang (Ao-Ahom Trade Route that ran Clark, safe yet exhausted, arrived at the Molungkimong village gate escorted by The Dicksons were young, enthusiastic, musical and evangelistic. Bronson left the Namsang Mission permanently and joined the Sibsagar Mission. words of the Gospel from Godhula and Clark. The Council began to strengthen its network outside by becoming a constituent member of the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI) as well as a member of the Asian Baptist Federation (ABF) and the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). In Kohima, C.D. For example, ten village schools, supported in part by Government, had a combined enrolment of 130 pupils. 17K. Ramunny, Murkot. The 37th Annual Session at Ngawlwa, from 1st to 3rd March 1974, gave a mandate to constitute a Nagaland Theological Conference for Fellowship and promotion of theological. The first was in 1952, then again in 1976. . During this period, the work among the Lothas faced a setback owing to the absence of the Witters. Sema Baptist Association 12. Tohoshe Sema was appointed as the first full-time Education Secretary through an arrangement with the Department of Education, Nagaland, with effect from April 1982. The honor and entire freedom of conversation was allowed. In pursuance of this stance, the Naga Baptist women conducted demonstrations and protests in many towns in Nagaland and the Baptist Associations across the State zealously supported the liquor prohibition movement. It was also decided that Home Mission Committees be formed in each of the central towns of Nagaland, with a view to strengthen the efforts of the NBCC Home Mission (ANBC-69/215). The Kohima Field became the gateway of evangelistic effort to the neighbouring Naga communities. The Annual Session at Kohima, from 11th to 13th October 1966, went further to suggest a prohibition of liquor shops and bars. Resolutions and Pledges were passed from one District to another as the public responded to the call for peace. For this purpose a Committee has been constituted to work towards a proposal for restructuring. During the first year of the launch of the scheme, the Centre had transferred 5.55 crore, while 91.82 crore and 122.19 crore was transferred during 2019-20 and 2020-21 fiscal years . The Impur and Kohima Missionaries welcomed the new venture heartily and gave the Ukhrul Missionaries all the encouragement they could. As early as 1962 a proposal was made to organize a Nagaland Theological Fellowship (ANBC 62-89). sermon and also administered the first Lords Supper which marking the Secondly, the Government decided against a further extension of the ceasefire agreement. The year 1959 marked a transition for the organization, from a provisional status to a full organizational structure. protect my life, and give me strength to live and labour many years among these The Rev.Miles Bronson was the first Missionaries to contact with the Nagas(1839). For this, different programmes are being initiated for its Associations and Churches. The Council also began to expand its Ministry beyond Nagaland and for the first time under the leadership of the NBCC General Secretary, the Shillong Naga Students Penetration Programme was held in September, 1982. From the Ao Field, the light of the Good News spread to Naga communities like Sangtams in 1918, Phoms in 1929, Konyaks in 1932, Changs in 1936 and the Yimchungrus and Khiamungans during the 1950s. "We have invoked Rani Ma Guidenlu who was a freedom fighter and a Padma Bhushan winner. His statement was welcomed by the Ao Christians there. Nagaland is governed by a Council of Ministers, headed by a chief minister, which is responsible to the 60-member Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha). people, till these many hills shall be vocal with Your praise. Entering the At the Council headquarters, the compound not only looked bare and old and despite visitors preferring to stay at the compound, it was not possible to host guests. With the help of a Mr. Godhula, an Assamese Christian, they established the first church, a Baptist one, in Molungkimong (Dekha Haimong Village) in 1872.[7]. Historical Beginnings of the Baptist Church in Nagaland. By the end of 1988, Rev. Two years later, on March 18, 1913, Edwin Clark entered into his rest. 1868 and sailed for one hundred and sixty days in the bark Pearl bound for He brought dynamism and evangelistic fervour to the Council. Since the first contacts with the strange, Buckinghams Bungalow at Amguri. However, no positive agreement could be reached as a result of these talks. The State consists of eleven Administrative Districts, inhabited by 16 major ethnic groups along with other sub-groups. Towards the close of this decade they could sense some improvement in the Ao villages year by year and by 1891 the total membership in the three Ao Churches so far was 71. Borrowing its name from the State Bird of Nagaland, that is the Hornbill, this festival is meant to celebrate the spirit and the cultural diverseness of the state. For three days no man, woman to that end, one representative of every clan would be baptised. The final session was held at the Zonal Council Hall where the Chief Minister, Ministers and a number of MLAs attended. Supongmeren was The traditional list of Jesus' 12 disciples includes: Peter. Gospel, he was convinced that this God would liberate them from every possible The NBCCs role in improving education and instilling Christian principles continued. 25 April 1860 - The missionary registers begin, with Joseph Fielding Smith being the . Through Miqlat, a good number of women have regained their self-worth and confidence in the Lord. Village Council decided to invite Clark and made an appointment with him and At first, the name Naga Baptist Church Council was used but after the inauguration of Nagaland as a separate State, a consequential amendment was made and it was then regularized as Nagaland Baptist Church Council as it is used today. After some research, I've come to the realization that Christ hadn't been recorded going to Cyprus. For some time, Bishop Marengo had also stayed with the missionaries for the translation of a prayer book in the . The first Welsh missionary to Mizoram, David Evan learning basic Ao, Godhula proceeded to Ao-Iand without the Jones, along with Khasi evangelist Rai Bhajur, came and replaced permission of Clark in October 1871. Yimchunger Baptist Association 14. Sports has also been identified as an instrument of bringing the youth together and instilling in them discipline and leadership qualities while using sporting events to promote evangelism and discipleship. reminded of the mighty works of Gods for Nagas, and the Molungkimong Baptist A number of consultations and seminars on various themes were also conducted which are significant and may remain as land marks in the history of the Council. man in their village, which prepared the eager villagers to receive the group. On the positive side, the missionaries brought education, introduced the Roman script, and to some extent, helped in the integration of different Naga tribes through . Upon their arrival in 1891, they held an audience with King George Tupou I, who granted them permission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. On 12th September 1847, the first Naga was baptized by Nathan Brown at Sibsagar. to care for the spiritual needs of Naga students. Time after time they called on me and insisted that I Therefore, the Council began a Guest House project in 2002 and was completed in 2011, and named it the Kenneth Complex. That day, 620 candidates were baptized by 20 Ministers. Carey, the first Baptist missionary of the modern era, arrived in colonial Calcutta in November 1793 without any travel permits. BEVERLY HILLS, CA (ANS) Nagaland, one of the world's most mysterious lands tucked in the mountainous, jungle covered northeastern corner of India near the Burmese border, has 10,000 missionaries poised to take the Gospel to nearby lands. The idea was to expand this network to the global prayer bodies. During the time when the Rivenburgs had been away on a break in 1907, H.B. some twenty-three or thirty, Godhula says, have been talking seriously of NAGALAND, home to the many Naga tribes, is a hilly State spread across the northeastern hills of India. For some time there was little insurgency inside Nagaland. Disputes arose over the interpretation of the agreement, and many in the NNC opposed it. A Hymn book, Highest Praise, was also published for use in the schools. In 1911, 81-year-old Edwin Clark's health began to fail, forcing him to return to America. Representational Image. It came into being in 1962 as an offshoot of Naga Baptist revival in the 1940s and 1950s. Fratricidal violence among revolutionary groups continued into the 1990s. sent by the Village Council to accompany him to his house in sibsagor. from. Few schools were also opened by the Government in addition to the Mission school. Renewed violence occurred in the State from the middle of the 1980s. The NBCC also entered into partnership with Asia-Pacific Baptist Federation, particularly, in Emerald Hope, a post-Tsunami rehabilitation project on Andaman Islands. At this centre, various programmes and activities including fisheries and plantations are being taken up. A committee was appointed to study and improve the structure and working of NBCC/NMM (ANBC-77/341). Some Naga tribes are also found in the north western part of Myanmar bordering India as well. The NBCC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Baptist Union of Denmark and the Church of Christ in Thailand. "The 'ceasefire with the Nagas'". in the Associations were changed to a uniform nomenclature as Executive Secretary, and also that of the existing name of NBCC Executive Secretary to General Secretary. If you want to submit, write to us Contact ]. Rev. the constant topics of conversation. (BMM, 1872, Aug. 10). Who was the first christian missionary if Nagaland? It revived the Kohima Baptist Pastors Fellowship. 2 While they were serving the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set . Dr. Clarks visionary prayer at Molungkimong on his first arrival. Five districts of the State were almost cleared of the underground elements. In June 1947, a 9-point agreement was signed which promised to bring the Nagas under a single political administrative unit and recognised the Nagas' right to self-determination after 10 years. A Peace Director was employed to oversee the peace work. They came with craftsmen who rebuilt . As the people adopted Christianity, they began to develop more of a "Naga" identity, a radical departure from their distinctions based on warring villages. His name was Hubi, but he died the following October. [1][2], During the 1830's, the British dispatched several expeditionary forces to Assam in order to solidify their control over the region; in 1845, British officials signed a non-aggression pact with several Naga chiefs to bring an end to Naga raids on British-controlled territory in Assam. To oversee the peace work brought dynamism and evangelistic fervour to the global prayer bodies are... Church leaders, found their way into Nagaland, and converted who was the first missionary in nagaland all Nagas to Christianity Holy Spirit said &! And converted almost all Nagas to Christianity the strange, Buckinghams Bungalow at Amguri found in the Smi. At Amguri honor and entire freedom of conversation was allowed year 1959 marked a transition for the needs! 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