((Does living near a river with a distillation unit take care of water problems? About 4 or 5 years ago Art Bell had on a guest involved in researching feral humans. Everything else is immediately written off as a parlor trick, even if they're standing in front of a cooling distortion unit and I show them a dollar bill with the year 2029 on it. see below)Some Items: and exactly what would they see as you departed? 21. ((What is your secret agenda?)) My studies since my childhood have done nothing but confirm that such beliefs are at least well founded, if not indicated by the way I understand that 'things' work in this reality. Welcome back. ((Potential Hazard of being a Time Traveler -- Always putting things off until you can "get back" to doing them.)). The gravity field also traps a with two spiral paths running through it's center. hopefully John will have a chance to listen to it. Posted by Roy Meserve on 02-21-2001 05:44 PM. Your responds, "Yes, John Titor is a real name.". I write code in APL, PLI, Lisp, C, C++, VB, Fortran , Cobol, smalltalk, Java, Python, and a slew of less known languages. John is not confused. )HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS = ARTIFICIAL MICROSINGULARITY that took root over the years, would provide infrastructural support to a nation needing to find its "FOXFIRE" roots. (get ahead of myself).). No, the unit doesn't belong to me. (9) Was alot of the United States' 18-24 age group slaughtered in the war because of Draft? John posted the following yesterday(2/19/01): ((Are there people in this time period who are hip (aware) of Time Travelers and who accept you as one?)). Either way in the end we all get what we wanted. Or would it cease to exist? In order to do even this, you must have knowledge of the local terrain and building structures. I'd like to discuss some current technology with you in private if you have the time. lets please direct our miranderings a little more effectively even on this micro level, . Jet planes can't fly into space, my machine is not reliable past a 60 + year destination. the unit turns off. I like to say I sit on a line between where I can go either way. you made mention that you had to get use to the fields. "Your example of what people would do based on something I might say is accurate. (7) Does money look alot different than it does now? This opinion comes from the "all times exist at once" theory. Although possible, a trip into a static black hole will not take you to another worldline and it's one-way. "By the way, not to be picky or anything. Actually, this is a good question. yepit looks like john registered in January. Any personal experience I might have with your worldline at a specific moment is limited to my viewpoint and age. Does the sense of "here and now" continue for you in 2036, while you are here? "It's possible that through his "slander" and "gossip," Satan turned one-third of the angelic host against God. A breakdown of this magnitude would've [[[ATTENTION! If those were indeed the ethics you were committed to and reasoned with, you would not be here now.However, I do commend you on engineering your story, as by its very nature we cannot prove it false. However, I am not confident things are different enough for you to avoid the conflict. Yes, there are people I trust here and I would hate for any harassment or harm to come to them. Well it was fun while it lasted. That was very inspirational. Plenty of rifles, semi-automatic and otherwise. Minimal distortion. Why did they bomb China and Europe? If I was transposed to the 1920's or 30's, you would have a hard time keeping me off the streets, out of public places, shops, concert halls, etc. While in your alleged time travels you meet a man an convince him to go somewhere with you, causing him not to meet his future wife. Within limits, I will be happy to discuss how it works and how "future" science thinks time works. I believe the largest nuclear weapon ever built and tested was about 60 megatons. But alas, all requests have met with zero in my hands to work with. The answer is that there are because of Einstein's revolutionary concept of space-time where time is distance and distance is time! . !Posted by Kathleen Sander on 02-05-2001 11:15 PMDo you live within the vicinity of your 2-year old self? The new .net platform from microsoft has the capability to integrate all the languages you mentioned + all the ones I mentioned. Given the differentials values you quoted, why can't your technology compensate by offsetting the target coordinates so the error puts you in the correct "world time"? Posted by D'Wayne Bolton on 02-08-2001 02:50 PM. . haha.My problem is that I would "interact" I believe. That convinced my father to leave the city.From the age of 8 to 12, we lived away from the cities and spent most of our time in a farm community with other families avoiding conflict with the federal police and national guard. Posted by Randy Empey on 02-19-2001 07:52 AM. That was very inspirational. That by itself is not much since he claims to come from the future you would expect some colloquial deviation. John, you are an interesting person and I'm here and I enjoy seeing your replys, be it real or not. Rather than degenerating into a "let's get John mob" I propose we try to devise creative lines of questioning to get to the bottom of the "John Titor" story. A lot of hard drives filled with books, archived web sites, pictures and audio files. David and Goliath, farmer general My expenses are not that large. This field can be adjusted, rotated and moved in order to simulate the movement of mass through a donut-shaped singularity and into an alternate world line. is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour If so please tell what you know. Name the immediate political succeosor's to George Bush and Tony Blair.)) I merely said it would be a subject of discussion when I return. What is the status of women in your time? ))I'm not sure that's true. Later, this escalates into WW3 and he mentions that it is a "good" thing for our soceity. Did God create one "me", or many "me's"))This is an excellent question that causes a great deal of controversy. Ask me almost anything. Well, time to run him thru the BS o'meter. were just made up tales that got passed around on the radio and in print. I'm sure it suffered but there fewer people infringing on animal's habitats now. hot. Instead you tell us that you only wish us to make us aware of time-travel as a possiblity (see #1 again), or that you only wish to observe us and speak of cultural and religious issues, something interesting to a historian.)). But what if him time traveling altered the world line making things happen more slowly, what if ww3 starts between 2022-2025. Like the President for instance something that happens in politics on a national level. ((Is the conflict racial in any way? I also think not. Sadly, I believe time travel is bull***t. Posted by John Lensk on 02-08-2001 06:45 PM. i do not truly care what the music/hollywood will be like in 5-10 years..my whole reason for asking the unimportant questions is because they are -unimportant-. He apparently was one of the two cherubs who cover the mercy seat (God's throne) with their wings (see Heb. Please remember that distillation is not boiling. we couldn't -do- anything.. we couldn't STOP the eartquake & i doubt anyone would go there & tell everyone to evacuate (and even if they did, no one would!).. This way new posters can read all the answers that have been given and not have the same questions asked over and over. I find those subjects rather interesting myself and it's one of the reasons I was drawn to this web site. Just a few questions, I apologize if they don't seem 100% thought out or if they've already been answered, I'm tired and I have a lot of work still to do. It's called "Waco -- Rules of Engagement." . I suppose I could predict the failure of Apollo 13 spacecraft but since time travel is ridiculous, I would be blamed for sabotage. With sufficient power, this type of time travel will only provide practical displacement in a future direction. Time travel may be possible, but if you were to time travel, you would NOT land on Earth. Which is a reason I don't think John can be proving to us that he is indeed a TT. "And you didn't even answer the other questions fully. I don't totally understand it but I take no offense by it either. How far from what size city is it the safest to be? Are they used to create the "rotating tipler cylinder" somehow through the axis of your time machine? This scenario could plausibly describe events which, perhaps, . Do Crop Circles play a part in labeling these micromeasurements in time of gravity/energy? After all, I did put HJYABJ 100 at the end of my post.-Javier C.P.S. Its ok to question, we are all just trying to find out the truth about things. You load up all the people who want to go with you in the back of your Chevy pickup, drive from Florida to Minnesota. In fact, I've tried to point out on at least two occasions that anything I do (at the request of someone else) to support my claims can be found someplace else on your worldline right now. . If so, what are they?What are the rules for fraternizing with people who aren't from your time; do you make friends easily here in 2001?What would the DOD do to you if they found you out?What would you do if someone attempted to investigate you? It is believed that all worldlines end. They might have more of an effect on how you handle you're work day after spending a morning reading posts, though. John is also not a time traveler, but he has a fantastic imagination. ], You made the statement on -Jan 1 2001 it doesn't seem very beneficial to -us-..just to -you- (atleast from your statements).-blonnie-Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 04:13 PMIf all the idealists who have traveled the path of confronting sceptics, were laid end to end ?they'd be better off that way?Where are we in the universe BTW, irrespective of our relation to surrounding physical masses.The galaxy, and us with it, is traveling at ~ 390 km/sec. Is there a Global Superpower state and what nation is it. Colorado SpringsPosted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-12-2001 09:53 AManother thing i do not understand.you said in a previous post:"I am no more able to affect your worldline than you are. It doesn't appear that it ends that simply as the "second" time traveler says that he saw a duplicate self appear in the lab thirty seconds before he started the trip. Is that enough? I have enough of a physics background to understand his information though and (assuming he IS real) eventually he will hit on something that I personally can use to verify for myself the truth.I think Ernie said nothing would be conclusive proof. John Titor dialog is in normal text in brown color, text by others are italicized. you only discuss things that you care about or that -you- think are important or that -you- think you will "gain" something from. I'm not aware of any predictions I made or perhaps we do not agree on the definition. I would like to examine the software you mentioned; perhaps I can further justify my side-trip.Yes, EMP took out a great number of electronic devices. 4:27; I Pet. You'll also need some sort of a re-breather system or oxygen supply.I have found that many misunderstandings and arguments are based on the differences in understanding over a single word. ((My only geuss is that you are not a time traveller, and don't want to say anything that could make a gullable person do something stupid. Political correctness is not my forte, nor do I profess that anyone use it anymore. You would both possess the same basic fingerprints and DNA. I realize my claims are a bit ridiculous but my intent is not really to be believed. Thus, safe time travel. )If it is based on someone else's idea of right it is a shallow and sporatic endeavor. I wish to emphasize a point I tired to make earlier. These ones are more about the 'War', and the state of your world. Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-12-2001 09:45 AM. The problem was very straightforward. maybe 1 or 2 people would actually believe them. No.. (7) I go on vacation in May. However, some of the questions are new and I too would like to hear the answers.Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-09-2001 10:45 AMJohn,Unless you've been here for the last 10 years or so, how would know how we have seen the media coverage of Waco(94? I hold myself accountable for any damage I do.So where do you stand? HE spent quite a few years listening to talk radio shows on his little walkmans, working and travelling. If the "me" here goes on to have the same type of life and future work that I did, it may not look good on his resume that another "him" has left a videotape behind of his future mission to 1975. Were they pretty resourceful scrappers? Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-13-2001 09:14 AM. ((7) Lets just say that people from the future are manipulating events now, such as preventing a tragedy, making it never occur. I think the war would be good for you and your society. How good or evil do you think you can be? We do live in an economy based society and it's natural for us to use terms like, "Im sold". (9)Have you ever went past your future, like to 2050 or somewhere around there? In other words do we by 2036 know for sure we're not alone? Why would a group of seemingly inteligent people risk changing there present on the desire to see themselves in the past? Let's say for instance someone is a "skeptic" -- that doesn't mean they should close their minds completely to anything new, in fact, doesn't mean they should close their eyes to the apparently impossible.In "my world" everything is possible. ))I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Go to my post in "I am from the year 2040" and debunk my calculations on time travel. Even if you don't take a direct hit, dying crops and no water can ruin your day. )), ((2. I have often wondered if they aren't time travelers with very sophisticated machines. I have a keen interest in this amazing field and unfortunately we have seen too many people who, if you are for real, have made it difficult for you. For a moving object, at least one of the lengths from which the distance, d, is calculated is contracted relative to a stationary observer. Do you think it's very smart to be talking to people online? I hope to return home with a better understanding of why you think and believe the way you do. or (Greek)- 'unveiling'.regards,RoyPosted by Andrew Hubbard on 02-17-2001 08:40 PM1) would you be able to internationally travel by: Or would it cease to exist?)). Would it not be easier to write in the original language instead of having a machine translation? If you do, then I must be real if all possibilities exist. In your time, have people developed their spirituality? Are you unable to answer?Posted by Roy Meserve on 02-17-2001 11:13 AMHello,Thanks for your reply. It's me TTA. He made you get flustered and loose your sense of decorum. You can all be being played right now. ((If John wants a way to prove anything -- which from his previous posts he has stated he DOESN'T WANT TO DO -- then I am more than willing to look over his proofs. 4:27; I Pet. The twin moving toward the horizon will notice none of this and see his watch running just fine. Just curiousthat's a common question, why do you think I would know something about that? I hope John or whatever his name is writes a book. Of course, being as simple-minded as I am, I would figure that most people your age would know at least the types of musical influences that were around as they were growing up. which is not really a personal problem w/yourself it is just how i perceive you to be. you say that you can't answer questions about when a natural disastor occurs..or things that can be -changed- by people to alter the way they -should- happen. ?Posted by Chris Greycheck on 02-08-2001 01:53 PMLightbulbJohn,Again I have to congratulate you on your perceived high level of intelligence, and I don't doubt that you may indeed be a physics professor or just some guy who gets off misleading others.You stated:"2.Anything I say could be acted on beforehand and changed anyway. Therefore, any "prediction" I might make has a slight chance of being incorrect anyway and you now have the ability to act on it based on what I've said. (How ever you spell it =)However, please understand that my intention is to just keep it real. ((In fact, regardless of your background you should have a basic understanding of physics.)). That's a no brainer. My frustration is in understanding the use of the words. Yes, the Pearl Harbor example relates to Y2K. Soon you'll get bored and I will leave in a few months. In fact, maybe you could just abbreviate it and put a number rating from 1-100 next to it so I know how strong you feel. Set aside the things you absolutely would need and can carry on your back. I am with my younger self. Simon.Posted by Matt Hagemeier on 02-15-2001 10:41 AMDoes anybody here remember Marc Wade from the old BBS board. Hey John. how can I be sure that something that is in my 'reality' is in yours? ((Your time machine weighs 500 lbs and an average man weighs about 180 lbs. Her logic is pretty sound, and you're avoiding discussing some of the things that people naturally find curious about other cultures))I very much want to discuss our cultures but please help me understand how you won't be able to change something I tell you happened on my worldine. I hold myself accountable for any damage I do.So where do you stand? the show tonight?!!! (12) Does the government know there is TT going on? I am sure you wouldn't mind me taking a spin into the future a few years. By spinning these various microsingularities, a localized Kerr field is created.It looks like a prediction. Of course this is assuming that einstien's physics was at least accurate enough for such purposes. Instead you tell us that you only wish us to make us aware of time-travel as a possiblity (see #1 again), or that you only wish to observe us and speak of cultural and religious issues, something interesting to a historian. What kind of people will be the ones least trustworthy? ))If you can take that paragraph and find a way to make a dollar from it than more power to you.BLONNIE: 1. Do you have any idea how you exploited your self here? Enough though true freedom means looking at these consequences on a more continual basis than one would have if one were used to a more routinized existence. ((In your "world time" have things like "Saquatch" , "Loch Ness monster", and other reported unusual animals been seen, or captured or explained away. John, ((1. Posted by Matt Hagemeier on 02-15-2001 10:41 AM. I did leave it at that. Is Psionics a part of your every day life? I hope it is true. I'd have studied it very carefully, and I would ensure I had clothing of that era (up to and including the geeky classes I used to wear as a kid) to "fit in". )). I don't think the government would be as open-minded to this topic as some of us. ((You have any fears? General ))I will not share information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability. If you could be more specific I would enjoy the conversation. But can you just name some people who will be major tv stars or movie stars, or future major politicians or major companies? It is passe. Does what happen here affect your future?Posted by John Titor on 02-05-2001 02:09 PMYes, there is a log and my report and debriefing will agree with it. Yes, there is a log and my report and debriefing will agree with it. I was born into a family where such beliefs run strong. Posted by Mike Kolesnik on 02-12-2001 11:00 PM. wonder if there's one left for a genuine techo to study? The answer is that there are because of Einstein's revolutionary concept of space-time where time is distance and distance is time! 27. Again, though, what population makes a city a city and not a town?Does any one or any group stay neutral during all of these years of fighting? 35. I've read Rick's note and thank him for it. First off why the personal attacks? The Authors noted a four cycle repetition.Its a bit of hard book to summarize, though its central thesis is this -- History follows certain cycles. Can I go with you on your journys through time? close our eyes as this happens due to a short burst of ultraviolet So lets say that that the mass is about 700 lbs per traveler. How ARE you financing things? How did you get the pictures of the machine? Since I believe time travel is possible "now" I don't have a problem with your story. Leave it at that. small air pocket around the car that acts as your only O2 supply unless you They simply "don't believe it" and "have better things to do".Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 08:45 AMROY: 28:18; II Chr.3:10-13; 5:7-8). ))Yes, I believe in organized evil. 62 votes, 35 comments. MSN? You melt. For me what is interesting is the type of questions that are being asked, and the apparent hostility that someone like you can be subjected to for no "good" reason.Ultimately there is no way to "prove" anything conclusive here. I don't pretend to know the first thing about such advanced topics as time travel, calculating a NFL quarterback rating, or the perfect temperature to cook a Hot Pocket in. 4) Anything is possible. Religion has become far less centralized. . Would you? I'm sorry you feel that way, especially since you seem to think we ought to be nice to John and not attack him (even though we weren't). 21. I just have this to ask you. The problem was very straightforward. Going to credibility and proof? So will the Millenial Kids(MKs). There are now over 10 major political parties. I'd like to have coffee with my father and my uncle, with spray-painted gold lamps overhead, encrusted with plastic jewels.I'd like to watch them smoke their pipes and cigarettes unmolested, and discuss the simple issues of their time.Sadly, I believe time travel is bull***t.I wish it were otherwise.Posted by John Lensk on 02-08-2001 06:45 PMQuestionJohn is there anything you can let us know about the future? Religion must be experiential or it has no staying power (and probably not enough compassion or tolerance). I also think that it is a mystery to unravel. Would you hope.nothing?((P.S. 28:18; II Chr.3:10-13; 5:7-8). But no, that doesn't matter to you. on the Internet. He does this very often, and I'd just wanted to point that out before he did it again. I calmly point out that there were wars before there were guns, and they go on about how that was a "less civilized society". The same math works for both. 5) Have you actually met your parents? I looked exactly like Jack Parsons, in that incarnation, and was in on the "rebellion" that Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, et al were on, and was working with Duncan Cameron on the specific night everything went down. Its important that it remain as still as possible so the gravity sensors can get a good lock. Please do not assume I am purposely avoiding questions. We're all adult, thinking (free thinking) individuals who have the right to whatever beliefs we wish in this day and age, regardless of our gender, religious believes, race or even in my humble opinion, nationality.In other words a skeptic is a good thing to be. I'd have to get in touch with the "right people" to "report" the incident, and even then the skeptics would over rule the "believers". social decline, rampant environmental degradation, and of course the threat of war as a means both of deflection of attention on the real problem, and further dividing and conquering to consolidate ever more power. You see.. we live in a time when we must see to believe. I wasn't fortunate enough to go to basic. "First, let's examine what the Bible reveals about the origin of Satan and the demons.EZEKIEL 28:12 "Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. I also know that I probably would NOT pass on intelligence from the future as a matter of course. is this a log factor ? I have nothing but open-mindedness for religious conversation and I look forward to more. ((Is there an active market on new books in your time, or has that infranstructure not rebuilt it self? "3.All the really interesting information is months or years away and I'd be gone when it happens. Archived web sites, pictures and audio files science thinks time works be picky or.... 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Will leave in a future direction relates to Y2K I take no by!
The Gordon Lln Test, Articles J