On Kaua’i we have a single use bathroom at our office. Be patient. It’s an old plantation house turned into an office. It only handles one at a time. There are also restroom facilities at the heliport.
In Hilo there is a public bathroom available for use. We suggest using the bathroom during your check-in time.
Life Vests
Your Life vest must remain on during your entire tour. Only take them off when the driver/loader has instructed you it’s safe to do so.
My tour is over, why can’t I take off my Life vest?
Your Life vest is a loose article when not attached to your waist. We do not allow any loose articles at the heliport. Leave your Life vests on until you are back at the “waiting area” at the heliport.
In Hilo stay in the shaded area with seats just behind the Commuter Terminal Building. Your driver/loader will instruct you when you can take them off.
When does my seatbelt need to be on?
During your entire tour from loading to unloading.
If your pilot doesn’t answer you right away, don’t take it personal. They may be talking to the Tower, Air Traffic Control or other pilots. Pilots need to be aware of multiple things at any given time. The pilot will instruct you when you can and cannot use the microphone. If you want your pilot to talk more than they are, ask a question. Our pilots do their best to accommodate the passengers.